Best of the best

RED DOT Best of the Best 

Scope Design was awarded Best of the Best in the 'professional' category by RedDot for our design of the SoilScanner for Soilcares. Soilcares thanks for the trust and the space we have been given during the development!

Commissioned by Dutch Sprouts and SoilCares, Scope, together with RedMerito, is responsible for the translation of the scientific models and measurement setups into an easy-to-use and portable hand-scan tool; the crown jewel of Dutch Sprouts!

Its innovative character and its possible impact on the better use of agricultural land worldwide prompted the Financieel Dagblad to publish an extensive article about it on Friday 16 January.

Red Dot | Best of the Best

This award is awarded to pioneering design and it is the highest prize in the Red Dot Award: Product Design. This prize is reserved for the best products in their category.